Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Merchandise

So, I've been playing around with some new and old designs and trying out a few new aspects of the online t-shirt world.

First of all, EXCLAIM!wear is branching out to Zazzle. Now, we're not leaving CafePress, by any means, but there are a few things that Zazzle does differently and they have a few products that CP doesn't offer. Plus, they have the official licencing deal with:

Star Wars!

Yeah, I geeked out a little bit there, too. It's okay. But, I've also added a few of my own designs on there. The EXCLAIM!wear shop is a little light right now, but we do have a revised version of the ever popular Warning: Fast Moving Zombies design. You'll notice that the font is a bit more... zombie like. And this version is only available at Zazzle. You'll notice that they also have a rather extensive line of shirts to choose from - and they make it really easy to find the right shirt for you (or your loved one).

But, like I said, we haven't forsaken CafePress. Especially since they now have a special partnership with Pure Digital Technologies to offer their Flip Mino and Flip MinoHD palm-sized camcorders. These things are awesome, and to do out part, we've added some designs of our own for the Flip:

We'll be adding more Flip Mino designs at CafePress and adding some new stuff at Zazzle, too... like Skateboards!

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