Sunday, February 11, 2007

I Crush Everything

Let me just say, first and foremost, that I love this shirt! Seriously.

I Crush Everything

But there's more to it than just a cool and somewhat odd shirt. It's actually lyrics from a song by Jonathan Coulton. If you'd like to learn more about Mr. Coulton, please visit his website. You can also listen to and buy some of his music*.

Now, I had first heard of him through The Areas of My Expertise Audiobook by John Hodgman. I had purchased the paper-based, hardcover non-audio book and enjoyed it immensely. But if Mr. Coulton** contributed to that it really didn't show through on the page. The audio book, however, is fantastic. Terribly funny and, because of the collaboration and interactions between Mr. Hodgman and Mr. Coulton, in some ways, it's actually better than the book (gasp!). And, more to the point, the music that Mr. Coulton provides is brilliant and funny. There are times when I'll be at work and find myself listening to the Audio Book Theme over and over. And the state song of Nebraska cracks me up every time. Just fantastic stuff.

So, in conclusion: a fine shirt. A terrific musician. A half pony/half monkey.

* his music is also available through iTunes but I would imagine that, as an independent musician, he doesn't make as much money that way as he might if you bought directly from him. Plus there's the whole DRM*** thing... it's possibly all just a big hassle for him. But I really can't say for sure. I bought through iTunes simply because the the set of pens I bought came with a code for a free song (and I tend to buy a lot of music through iTunes, but that's not the point).

** Mr. Coulton? Mr. Hodgman? What the fuck is this, the New York Times?

*** Someday, I'll write about my feelings towards DRM. Wait. Can you have a footnote
inside of another footnote? What would David Foster Wallace do?

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