Sunday, January 14, 2007

Week 1

So, unless things change drastically, I won't be posting too many more running entries. But, I just wanted to celebrate having completed my first week of running. I didn't give up when it started hurting. I didn't give up when I felt like I would rather sleep in. I stuck with it for the first week and I look forward to tomorrow morning to start week 2.

Now, I was following the Runner's World guide... or so I thought. Somehow, I wasn't really thinking about it and finally came to the realization that I was doing it wrong. Although, from the beginning, I kinda had to go my own way. Let me explain. The program calls for a timed interval of running and walking. Now, I really didn't have a way to accurately time myself, so what I ended up doing is walking the East-West streets and running the North-South streets. And it seemed to work okay, but it wasn't at all like the program. Now, I really don't know if I was running more than I was "supposed" to or less. So, today, I picked up a new watch that actually has an interval timer on it, so I can be much more accurate. So, for tomorrow, I'm going to re-do week 1. If it turns out to be too easy, after my last week, I'll skip forward. Otherwise, I'll do all of the week as if I'm doing week 1, and then continue on from there. We'll see how that goes.

And, so we continue our quest to get back into shape.

The next step will be fixing my diet. Its almost not worth the running if I'm just going to "undo" it all with a double order of Orange Chicken from Panda Express.

So, that's all.

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