Monday, January 08, 2007

Day 1*

Out of breath.

Wow. So, that's what running feels like?

I woke up a little before 5:00 am, got my running gear on, and headed out into the bitter cold. And so my new exercise routine began. Since I'm starting off with a run/walk program, I walked for a few minutes, just to get loosened up and then did the first running part. Now, I don't have a stopwatch (or even a wrist watch), so I was carrying my pocket watch** to keep up with my intervals. That didn't really work too well, so basically, I used the North-South streets for running and the East-West streets for walking and that seemed to go okay. Except for the part where I'm really out of shape and was kinda winded after the first run. After the second run, I was really winded, but the walking parts DID help a lot.

In the end, according to Google maps, my whole program was almost exactly 2 miles, and the running part was .8 miles. So, I don't think that's too bad for my first day.

Tomorrow will be 30 minutes of brisk walking, so that will be a little easier.

* No, I'm not going to do this daily run report, so don't worry about that. But I do want to track myself on the site, but trying to set up an account is damn near impossible.
**it actually clips onto a belt loop, so it's not really a pocket watch, either. If anyone has any recommendations for a good watch that can track interval times, I'd love to hear about it.

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