Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sucks to be me

(because apparently, I am stupid)

At work, my computer is a very lovely Intel-based iMac. It's super fast and does everything I could ever want it to do. I really enjoy using this machine. And, because its Intel, I can also run Windows on it. I don't want to, but, out of necessity, I must. So, on Friday, I though I should re-partition the drive and give myself a little more room on the PC side (i had originally only allowed myself 8GB of space. Windows and Office took up nearly all of that!). So, using bootcamp, I removed the partition and then re-partitioned the drive again. And this meant having to re-install Windows.

It didn't go well.

I followed the directions. I swear! And yet, when all was said and done, I no longer had a mountable hard drive. Not good. So, after trying a bunch of stuff to salvage the situation, ultimately, I had to start all over. With everything. I couldn't stand to do this on Friday, so I am in the office right now, on a Sunday Afternoon, re-installing OS X, all of my applications, and then, if it's not too late, I'll try the Windows thing again.


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