Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pac-Man Fever

I'd been itching to do a Pac Man themed design for a long time but the concept I originally envisioned never quite gelled for me. So, I dropped it. Meanwhile, I'd been wanting to do something with the Scooby-Doo themed "It's a G-G-G-Ghost!" But, when I finally sat down to work on it, well, it just seemed a natural fit. Two great tastes and all that...

And, so, I give you my Pac-Man (well, Clyde, really) themed design.

It's a Ghost! Messenger BagIt's a Ghost! Ash Grey T-Shirt

It's a Ghost! Baseball JerseyIt's a Ghost! Hooded Sweatshirt

It's a Ghost! Large Mug It's a Ghost! Dark T-Shirt

See the whole selection here

UPDATE: I've tweaked the font a little and anded a background. It looks better. Click the link to see. If you disagree, let me know.

UPDATE II: Aw screw it. I put 'em both up now. So you get a choice. God bless Democracy!

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