Friday, March 23, 2007

CafePress Affiliate Update

This is big.

The CafePress Affiliate Program is Dead! Long Live the CafePress Affiliate Program!

It seems that the current version of the Affiliate Program, as run by CafePress, was not living up to their expectations. Basically, it comes down to the fact that it wasn't brining in enough revenue to keep it going in it's current configuration. So, they're scrapping it and starting over. But, this time, they're partnering with one of the largest Affiliate Programs on the intertubes, Commission Junction. Even their name says, "We're all about making you's some money!" And that's good for everyone.

So, come March 31st, the current affiliate program will be shut down. And on April 10th, the new version will go live.

Learn More

And keep watching this blog, and the newsletter, for more information as it comes. I hope to have a better understanding of this soon, so that everyone can start selling EXCLAIM!wear merchandise on their own. I'm all for sharing the wealth!

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